Do I Need to Supplement Iron?

Iron is a vital mineral for transporting oxygen throughout the body. The substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body is called haemoglobin, and haemoglobin consists of approximately two-thirds of the iron in the body. If there is not enough iron, the body struggles to effectively transport oxygen leaving you feeling fatigued, both physically and mentally.

Keeping red blood cells healthy is only part of what iron does; it also plays a role in converting blood sugar to energy, allowing muscles to work at their optimum and reduce recovery times after intense exercise. Iron is important in producing new and healthy cells, keeping hair, nails, and skin healthy, as well as helping the immune system fight off infection.

Iron is also used for improving athletic performance, learning problems and treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and restless legs syndrome (RLS). Some people also use iron for Crohn's disease, heart failure, breath-holding attacks in children, growth issues in children, depression, fatigue, to improve thinking, and to treat issues with conception. As well as this, women sometimes take iron supplements to make up for iron lost in heavy menstrual periods.

It is recommended that the average adult male requires 8.7 mg per day, while adult women need 14.8 mg. Iron is naturally available in many foods, particularly red meat, pulses, and dark green leafy vegetables.

Iron deficiency is called anaemia, with initial symptoms of fatigue, pale skin, and dizziness. When assessing the skin just below the eyes, and the skin lining is visibly red, this is usually a sign of healthy red blood cells, while a pale tone can indicate iron deficiency, where shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, and cracking at the corners of the mouth can develop. A quickened heartbeat, restless leg syndrome and a tendency to having headaches can also be indicators of iron deficiency.

At Opalbond we offer a range of products which can be high in iron, particularly our iron fast melt powders. Our iron fast melts are a great on the go iron supplement which can help boost oxygen transport and energy metabolism which is essential for fuelling aerobic exercise. A great tasting powder, with the added benefit of supplementing iron, is a great product that your business may want to offer to capture a growing segment of the market which is concerned about iron deficiencies.